Command-Line Interface

To see all commands, run:

libcoveofds --help

To see the options for each command, run:

libcoveofds commandname --help

The abbreviated alias for each command is shown in brackets.

jsonschemavalidate (jsv)

Validates data against the OFDS schema and returns a list of validation errors.

For more information, see handling validation errors in the jsonschema library documentation.

Mandatory positional arguments:

  • inputfilename File name of an input JSON data file

libcoveofds jsonschemavalidate data.json

pythonvalidate (pv)

Performs conformance, quality and informational checks, and returns a list of check failures.

For more information on the checks and failures, see Checks.

Mandatory positional arguments:

  • inputfilename File name of an input JSON data file

libcoveofds pythonvalidate data.json

additionalfields (af)

Checks for additional fields not specified in the schema and returns a list of additional fields.

For more information on the output format returned by the command, see :doc: additional_fields.

Mandatory positional arguments:

  • inputfilename File name of an input JSON data file

libcoveofds additionalfields data.json

jsontogeojson (jtogj)

Converts data from JSON format to GeoJSON format.

For more information on the input and output formats, see the JSON publication format reference and the GeoJSON publication format reference.

Mandatory positional arguments:

  • inputfilename File name of an input JSON data file

  • outputnodesfilename Output filename to write Nodes GeoJSON data to

  • outputspansfilename Output filename to write Spans GeoJSON data to

libcoveofds jsontogeojson data.json

geojsontojson (gjtoj)

Converts data from GeoJSON to JSON format.

For more information on the input and output formats, see the GeoJSON publication format reference and the JSON publication format reference.

Mandatory positional arguments:

  • inputnodesfilename File name of an input Nodes GeoJSON data file

  • inputspansfilename File name of an input Spans GeoJSON data file

  • outputfilename Output filename to write JSON data to

libcoveofds geojsontojson data.json