
Installing dev tools

You need to install the dev extras.

For instance, to checkout the repository, create a virtual environment and install the dev tools:

git clone
cd lib-cove-ofds
python3 -m venv .ve
source .ve/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]

Running tests

python -m pytest

For writing tests, look in for a helper script.

Code linting

Then run:

isort libcoveofds/ libcove2/ tests/
black libcoveofds/ libcove2/ tests/
flake8 libcoveofds/ libcove2/ tests/
mypy --install-types --non-interactive -p  libcoveofds

Building new schema files

Check out the data standard repository. Make sure it is on the correct tag, branch or commit you want.

Install version 0.5 or ahove

At this stage you may need to edit the schema files by hand. The network-package-schema.json file may refer to a network-schema.json file on GitHub, not locally. In this case change the $id and $ref to refer to the correct tag you want, or to refer to the local file.

Change to the directory of the data standard repository, then run:

compiletojsonschema -c codelists/closed/   schema/network-package-schema.json  >  ~/WHEREVER/libcoveofds/data/schema-X-Y-Z.json
compiletojsonschema -c codelists/closed/   schema/network-schema.json  >  ~/WHEREVER/openfibre-lib-cove/libcoveofds/data/schema-X-Y-Z-network-only.json